An Imperial Guard Warhammer 40,000 Blog, with the occasional deviation.

Now with added NECRON!!
WARNING! Slight Warzone: Resurrection, after taste.

Friday 26 June 2015

40k/Necromunda Terrain, Pic heavy!

Eager to sort out more terrain and interested in starting up with Necromunda, I got this little wonder from Ebay:


MDF terrain is luvely.  Once punched out of the sheets, you can easily slot the thing together.  The set is very well designed and is very reminiscent of the original card stock in the Necromunda set.

After feeling comfortable enough to glue it all together, down I went with PVA in hand.  The set went well enough together, any blobs of PVA could be easily painted over as rust or whatnot.  Thankfully the square set design meant a quick thumb wipe and no residue.

The walkways were test sprayed with GW's Black primer.  I wasn't sure how the MDF would take it, but things went perfectly.  As I wanted the scenery to be fixed and solid as possible, I glued them down to some amazing plastic lined foam card that wouldnt warp.

Once stuff was sturdy I grabbed a friend over with a bag of cans and straws for some extra bulking out.  Here the glue gun was the true option, especially with the cans.  A theme was starting to form though, the idea being that the area would be a refinery complex.

Next up was the sanding.  Lacking enough superglue I decided to go old school and glue it down with layer upon layer of PVA glue.

After trying some cheap grey paint on a Black Spray and regretting it.. I grabbed some Army Painter Uniform Grey to speed things up.  (absolute freakin godsend!!!)

Again, using some help (witness the enthusiasm!) we managed to make some major gains, something which hatched the notion of #forgethecommunity.  Something I may write about later.

Williams smile was never the same....

Strike a pose!

Finished buildings sans walkways etc.

While good enough for gaming now, I still intend to add to the walls and gantries.  Things such as cloth wraps, placards with graffeti and rusty corrugated plating to create more LOS blocking and generally making it more friendly to 40k.

Still, between this set and the previous (which admittedly needs the bases repainting to match the board), this is looking like a full board.  Which is good.  'Cus I am getting sick to death of long ranged shicainery!!  Looking at you Chris!

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