An Imperial Guard Warhammer 40,000 Blog, with the occasional deviation.

Now with added NECRON!!
WARNING! Slight Warzone: Resurrection, after taste.

Monday 15 February 2016

Prefab Hab Block: Warhammer Scenery on a Budget! (Picture dump)

I've been requested by a couple of people on Facebook to show more pics of the recent additions to my scenery collection at home.  As some of you know, I've got space for a rather large 8 by 4 footer, and it sees a loooot of action.  The scenery on it is getting a bit stale, but not being ultra wealthy, I have to think efficient when it comes to getting scenery.

The below housing (ignore the ruins), was inspired by something I found on Pintrest, a 20mm scale version.  The principle remained the same: Find gift boxes of the same size and appropriate scale to the 28mm game.  Decorate with bits to show it as a building and paint up.  Simple.

Sunday 7 February 2016

A Prison For Gods: The March of Bone

So!  After Phase 2 Turn 1, there has finally been a narrative development.  

"I gave you EVERYTHING.  My career, my integrity, my very purpose.  You promised me.  You promised me the technology." 
The words of the Inquisitor echoed for far too long.  The shadowed throne room, illuminated by the burning emerald of the Necron's energy flickered in the half light.
Inquisitor Yvassilli Craven, instigator of the Faustian Schism, the deaths of so many lives was for the first time in his 80 year career: uncertain. He stepped forward and straightened his back.  Realising his next words could cost him his life.  If his anger hadn't already done so. 
Beyond him, as he stood on the bridge of black stone, up steps and looming over him sat the Necron Overlord.  A giant skeleton of bone in gold and crimson.  It sat not on the throne, but beneath it.  The throne of engraved boneworks, which looked suspiciously like real bone, was empty. To the Overlords right, the Cryptek, his voice looked at the human and the Necron uncertainly.  Not a good sign. 
"Forgive my impertenance." He began.  "I simply misunderstand the reasoning behind your actions. Have I failed you?  Have I offended you so much that you feel compelled to act this way?"  
The Necron Overlord simply stared, unblinking with those terrible burning orbs of balefire.  It looked down at its hand idly, clenching it almost as if surprised it was empty.  It looked around for a second, saying something in its own tongue.  The Cryptek approached and muttered something back.  Slowly, the Overlord nodded, looking strangely... sad.  So pitifully sad.  Something lost long ago had come to memory perhaps. 
The Overlord's fist clenched and slammed down shattering the perfect steps. It stood up as one might expect a puppet, unhandsomely and yet with inhuman grace.  It extended a hand and right before the Inquisitors eyes a stave of crackling energy materialised in his grip.   
"YOU HAVE SERVED."  It said, the translation of Its voice to Gothic horrid and without emotion.  "WHILE OTHERS HAVE SQUANDERED OUR OFFER, SOUGHT THEIR OWN ENDS.  YOU HAVE SERVED."   
It took one step down, cracks forming in the stone.  With a deliberate test swing it brought the stave around and gripped it with both hands.

The gap indicated it was his turn to speak. "What gift, my Lord?"  Craven asked. 
"TIME." It said, moving slowly, surely towards him. Time.  What?  Time for what.
He looked up, taking in the sudden dreadful context.  The Necrons would move, something he had hoped to forstall until he was ready.  But no.  This was too soon.  Time.  Not time.  The Necron Overlord meant he would "gift" the Inquisitor something else:  A head start. 
Turning away from the approaching giant, Craven ran for his life, mind racing with contingency plans and agents he would need. He needed to act, quickly.
The Necrons were coming...

Damn your inevitable betrayal!

Emergency Junct. Astopathic Message.
Burn out rate 97%.
Encrypt level: Ataxia. 

To all agents in the Faustian theatre: Bone March Protocols are now in affect.  Seek out the Sentinels, tell them the information below and the attachments.  Allow this information to be captured.  Not easily.  Enough to ensure its appreciation and sincerity.  Our sponsor has betrayed me.  Us. 

Good luck. The Emperor Protects.

"Addendum #23.  The Duat.  A Prison which is mentioned several times in the journals of the Proto-gypters on Holy Terra.  How this information came into their possession is a heretical journey unto itself.  But if accepting this is possible, it indeed sheds light.  Illumination, on the Duat.   
In the time of flesh, the Necrontyr worshipped death in its many forms. Life was cheap it seems.  So the concept of a Prison was terrifying to them.  Imagine, losing what life span you had to boredom and insanity. A living hell.  
This place is imagined to be a separate plane, existing of several layers and separate entrances hidden away in puzzles and constellations. 
At the time of transference, this place held the rebellious, the detractors and the worst:  The political. It is here that the legends revolving the Trazian Dynasty or the House of Bones merge.  The House of Bone, otherwise known as the Trazian Dynasty was their priesthood, their religious sect looked after their pantheon of death gods. It seems that in the time of transference, when the C'tan made their devils bargain, the House was condemned to be the first among those turned into machine.  Against their will.  They were at first made subservient slaves, guardians of those C'tan who they despised as untrue gods.  
Then, as the War in Heaven reached its conclusion, they were used by the 'Silent King' to be instrumental in defeating the C'tan they once served.  Freed from their servitude, they were rewarded for being correct in their distrust in the C'tan by being locked in the Duat, with those C'tan Shards deemed too dangerous for imprisonment by simple means.
If what you say is correct Yvassilli, this Overlord you deal with is non-other than one of this House of Bone these legends speak of. What It wants with the other levels of the Duat terrifies me to the core. If It came from the higher levels, imagine what one may find in the Duat's lower darker places?
No good will come from this..."


Necron Challenges?

As the challenges last month havn't been a hit, which is completely understandable, and as the campaign is heading into its final phase soon, I wanted to heat things up some.

Especially as people keep asking me: Where are the bloody Necrons!?

Here.  Here they are. :D

Essentially, the Necrons of the Trazian Dynasty will attack the key points where the "Shard Keys" mentioned in the blog entry "here" where.  They will attack the owning player or simply take the territory.  To what end?  Finding the rogue planet's location and opening the Duat.  A Prison.  For Gods.

Once these challenges have been played out and the winners are given the Shard Keys we can proceed with the big Plot A stuff.  The attempts to calculate the location of the mystery world which will appear in Phase 3.

There will be a big game to conclude who holds the most keys at the end of this Turn.  Thinking Apoc.  But we will see.  Either way, stuff just got super serial!

So what happens?

The Mist Walker - Tresium
"Uhsen’Relah, the C’tan known for it’s use of the local weather patterns.  This Shard Key may affect the local moisture levels to dangerous degrees.  Look for any build up of water or odd weather."

Upon Tresium, as the Adeptus Arbites make ready for a siege against the criminals and invaders, they are surprised by an attack from another side.  Upon the fortress which lies atop the planets greatest source of water, the Necrons attack.  With noone in the vicinity to help them, the fortress goes silent and disappears beneath the waves.  Whatever happened and happens still, remains to be discovered.  But the Necrons have taken the entire area, and show no signs of leaving.

  • Necrons Take T7.

The Never Ended - Rust
"Derth’Sanykk, a fearsome C’tan known to for its resilience.  Literally un-killable.  I have been instructed to be on the look out for any obvious extensions of life, or such “miracles” in the Faustian Sector."

Even as Ozzy marshalls his forces to kick the Craftworld kin from his new prize planet, ships from darkest legend scour the skies as phalanxes of Necron troops materialise on his very doorstep.

  • Necrons attack R4! Challenge against Chris' Dark Eldar!

The Frozen Rage - Sordid
"Sezalak, the Frozen Rage, this being delighted on drowning entire worlds into premature ice ages.  Look for out of the ordinary low temperatures."

On the frozen ruins of Sordid's capital city, infested with the bio-organisms of the Tyranids, the Necrons appear without warning, deeming the world eaters unworthy of the courtesies of war.  Only Extermination awaits them.

  • Necrons attack S6! Challenge against Eivinds Tyranids!

The "Twisted Hoof" - Wake
"Little is known about this C’tan, though one mention describes it has bearing “no proof of tongue nor sounds rung.”

In the Valley of Fears the sadistic Dark Eldar thrive, but as their communications fail and the skies bleed, it is obvious a significant force has invaded.  Skeletal figures of bone and blood can be seen on the horizon.

  • Necrons attack WA1!  Challenge against Chris' Dark Eldar (Again!)

Friday 5 February 2016

A Prison for Gods: End of Phase 2, Turn 1.

End of Phase 2, Turn 1. 

Warrens End

The capital world of the sector continues to go into its death-throws as the weapon of Nolan does its work.  Forests die an unnatural death as every living life form suffers critical radiation poisoning yet cannot decompose.

Thankfully the military forces there are taking measures, though only the insidious Black Scorpions and the Imperial Guard are offering any aid to the civilian populace.  Increased terrorist activity is hampering efforts, and some are questioning where the Astartes are taking those they "rescue." Regardless the drive to evacuate has allowed, whether innocently or not, the pretence to expand further into Warrens southern forests.

The Adeptus Mechanicus forces that appeared alongside the Imperial Guard in Warrens North Western reaches came as a shock to all, catching Ozzy's Dark Eldar by surprise and forcing them back to their hold out on the other side of the planet. What the Mechanicum's intentions are, remains to be seen, but their appearance has shown to be fortuitous.

At the beginning of the Turn, a push from the Black Scoprions into the eastern mountains initially was met by success, taking territory from the Craftworld Eldar.

All the while the Dark Eldar of Ozzy took the opportunity to prey on the retreating Eldar and took land of their own.  However, upon reaching the mountains, the Astartes were hit hard by the lurking Tyranid threat even as evacuations were underway.  Theories have been proposed that it was the Craftworld that was keeping the Tyranids in check, other theories suggest they planned the event like a trap.  Either way, the Tyranids on Warrens End have come down from the Mountains, and show no sign of stopping.


The world that is forever dying saw an epic return by the Iybraesil Eldar, returning after a series of brutal loses.  Dark Eldar forces were surprised by the sudden return and lost a sector to the advance giving their vengeful Craftworld brethren a foothold on the world.  Will this advance continue?  Or will Ozzy's Dark Eldar be able to push them back from the old Eldar world?

The loss of territory on so many worlds for a gain on one leads many to believe the leadership of the Iybraesil Eldar is running either a campaign of revenge against the Druchii of Ozzy, or they have a secret agenda regarding that world...


Magnus'tank battalions took advantage of the Iybraesil's lack of focus on the corrupt world of Sordid and took territory despite heavy loses to their anti material weaponry.


The lawless planet was further controlled by the forces of the 501st as its Imperial elements were bolstered by the arrival of returning Adeptus Mechanicum forces sent to secure Nolan.  Rumours have begun that the Mechanicum having linked up with the 501st may seek to retake the Forgeworld from the Black Scorpions before the majority of its hardware is removed.


Having pushed the 501st Imperial Guard back towards the poles, the Black Scorpions have dug in, quarantining the area to the west and holding gains made while engineers acquire as much machinery as they can.  The move has born yet more criticism from the Imperial elite, and while complaints may take centuries to be reacted on due to bureaucracy and long distance communications, it is already clear: The Astartes do not care.


At the beginning of the Turn, Nest saw the Craftworld Eldar losing territory to both the unstoppable advance of the Black Scorpions and the treacherous back stabbing assault from their Dark kin. Pushed off Nest completely, it forced the Eldar to rethink their deployment and heavier weaponry was brought in.

Meanwhile, the Dark Eldars base has so far been ignored by the Astartes despite being close enough, while the Dark kin are happy enough to raid the wastes nearby, terrorising locals and harvesting body parts for some unknown horrors.

Space Hulk

The Gospel of Fear saw the total attention of the Black Scorpions Chapter this Turn, slaughtering and pushing the Imperial Guard of Thomas from its many winding corridors.  Even a sudden appearance of automated Necron defences didn't deter them and that area is now quarantined.  Regardless, the clean up will take some time and the Imperial Guard stood hard, lead to the last by their preachers.

Weapon failures and ammunition quality were a major factor in the losses causing many to wonder if the Black Scorpions used some immoral infiltration methods, purgings have been made through the command structure after the loss in attempt to rule this out.  However, another possibility is the involvement of the Munitorium's supply which goes via the Mechanicum stationed outside the Sector at Altra Teir.  Rumours among the ranks have lead to some quiet distrust towards the regiments Enginseers.  Crack downs have already begun.

To the end of the Turn, the Imperial Guard have been met with allies from an unexpected quarter: Black Scorpions, claiming to be Loyalists to the Imperium and condemning their brethren as heretics.

The sudden attention of the Black Scorpions against the Hulk begs the question to all agents of opposition: What do the Astartes want with it?  Do they know something the rest do not?


Despite her many natural barriers alongside the reinforced fence-works, The Tyranid's already on the world linked up with the invading Hive Mind, causing a sudden expansion against the Craftword Eldar, seizing the planets core power creating complex.  With the Tyranids showing intense levels of intelligence, it wasn't a total surprise when the layers of ray fences across the continent began switching off, allowing for the Tyranids to run unchecked across Acre's jungles and forests.

This leaves both the Dark Eldar, Eldar and even the Astartes holding out in their last on world pockets of resistance.  Acre as a whole seems to be losing to the Tyranid infestation and though no Hive fleet has been seen yet, a shadow on the warp is emerging, her wildlife is altering and becoming hostile. The planets very climate is changing, heating up and preparing itself for consumption on a global scale.  If not for the current conflict, efforts could be made to end this, but as it stands, Acre is on the brink.

So what's the score so far?

Well, bearing in mind this is only the 1st Turn of Phase 2, and that the big scores come in at the end of the phase, it is as expected.  Objective traits don't count for Turns and despite the extension of the Turn length, not so many games have been played.

The Bringers of Silence, though down a man since Chris' (Ozzy's) defection, the Bringers of Silence have maintained their hold on terrain, even gaining some.  In second place, but only just, are the Bearers of Change, stealing the position although both Eivind and Chris have placed most of their points on Personal gains.  Last but with a varying degree of luck, the Sentinels of Fire have continued their run of luck, but with some late victories, perhaps the tide is changing?

But what of the narrative missions?  What of the quest for the final planet and its riches and glory? Although many clues of secret locations have been given out, due to time constraints and a general lack of interest, they have gone ignored, usually in favour of personal agendas.  William's Eldar have finally gotten their foothold back on Rust, Rottimus' Black Scorpions have been claiming everything from Mechanicum machinery and the Space Hulk for their survivalist empire and even Thomas' Imperial Guard have taken in supposed crusaders and malcontent from the Astartes, including a as of yet unknown Battle Chaplain.

All this boils down to players creating an maintaining their own narrative in game. Which with all the fighting, duels, grudges and epic battles gives each faction a history and each forces more exceptional characters a story.


The Necron sponser is getting impatient...