An Imperial Guard Warhammer 40,000 Blog, with the occasional deviation.

Now with added NECRON!!
WARNING! Slight Warzone: Resurrection, after taste.

Friday 8 January 2016

So no Chaos Codex for 2016? No holding back then!

So as I have discovered via sources online (Spikey bits, Bols, the usual), the rumour stating that Chaos won't be making an appearance this end of 2017 has been largely confirmed.  Too much in the way it seems, a pushed schedule for the eager Age of Sigmar, tidy up of both Adeptus Mechanicus/Skitarii, Astra Milatarum, Tyranids etc.  Poor poor badies.

Ahh well.  I can bitch about how unfair it all is (#firstworldproblems) or I can sally forth and get stuck in.  Into what you may ask?  Well as ever I start from the wrong end.

Crimson Slaughter.

Yupp.  The attempted "Ultramarines" of the Chaos faction, the Crimson Slaughter came from nowhere to take an unfair amount of attention from the legions with their confusing background and motivations AND colour scheme.  But god help me I like them.  Their aesthetic draws me back to my days playing Space Crusade.  The almost flesh like contours of their armour, the true corruption of the Space Marine, the rage of the unjustly done to.

Attempting to stick to the gorgeous feel of the Dark Vengeance set (Which I got two sets of dammit!), I grabbed some Raptors for the bits.  Those helmets and those shoulder pads are just perfect!!!

As you can see, something about those legs just didn't pay off.  Though dynamic, without further carving up the figure, I was going to have to rethink how I would go about this. Getting my hands on more parts, I decided to rip them appart at the torso and focus on two 10 man Squads, one shooty and the other combatty.  (Technical terms, I'm sure...)

 Obviously the Dark Vengeance Chosen were filtered in in various forms, the best ones being reserved for Aspiring Champion Roles.

I've also received these beauties, Gal Vorbak, to be used as my first Possessed squad.  They've got a bad rap have Possessed, but I hope to do them justice.  I still have some Age of Sigmar Storm Cast I was also intending to brutalise into Possessed, but they will have to wait.

Currently practicing Green Stuff with Vasaline.  Don't laugh, this stuff is amazing!  Forget using water!

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