An Imperial Guard Warhammer 40,000 Blog, with the occasional deviation.

Now with added NECRON!!
WARNING! Slight Warzone: Resurrection, after taste.

Friday 8 January 2016

Slaanesh Greater Daemon - Project for a friend.

For my fellow Chaos new comer Soundslave, I was tasked with nailing together this bad lady for his birthday. No small task this, but damn what a learning curve.

 As usual with Forge World resin, first you check components, remove flash and wash away any residue with warm soapy water.  Also remembering to rebend stuff back into shape with hot hot water!

I was trying to escape this, knew I couldn't.  Slaanesh don't make them sturdy.  Beginning from the bottom (NO JOKES!), I worked at pinning the legs together using rubber coated paper clip.

Thankfully it required next to no GS work to smooth out.  So far, so good.

The most potentially problematic part, the sword arm.  I found if I removed the rubber sleeve from the paper clip, I could use the bare metal to have a thinner pinning rod to mount the sword to the fist!  Only took me an hour to figure that one out.

 Lower arms went on first, as to avoid the chance that I wouldnt be able to reach it later on.  Bottom up, remember?

All arms attached, pinned and green stuffed to fill any voids within the joints.  It is perfectly fine to dab in the superglue on the GS as you mount the arms as the superglue makes the stuff harden damn quick.  Dirty but effective!

After a couple of attempts to set in those blasted spikes on her leg, I noticed that the flash on the spikes was nearly identical in width and size to my pin vice's drill bit.  So, I drilled some holes...

And mounted every single damn spike except for those on her left breast, which was just silly.

Using crude GS and superglue, I mounted her to the base, using a paint mug to support her as she dried overnight.

Using the trick with the paper clips, I used boiling water to bend the hair before drilling and mounting every single one from the inside out. Took time, but it was worth the effort.

It was at this point I noticed the horn there on the left was lacking some interior bulk.  A bit late, I decided to fill it with more GS and smooth it as it dried.  Pain in the ass, but worked a treat!

Used some old Base Resin decorations to weight the base and add some flavour.  The trick is to make it so the sand reaches level to the resin plate and not make it "look" like the damn thing is sticking out of the ground!

A few layers of sand with superglue to add varying height and badaboom!

Overall, Zarakiel?  This Daemon Princess was a painful joy to make.  Almost felt bad for handing her over, but I'm sure we will meet again on the table.
*Checking rules in Forge World's Imperial Armour 13...

Oh gods I hope not!!! O_O

Now I need one!

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