An Imperial Guard Warhammer 40,000 Blog, with the occasional deviation.

Now with added NECRON!!
WARNING! Slight Warzone: Resurrection, after taste.

Monday 13 December 2010

Doubles Tournament! OUTLAND 2010.

At Outland, last week, was a little doubles tournament I was fortunate to enter. Myself and my usual nemesis Rory decided to put our differences (usually the average statline) aside and team up for the betterment of the Imperium. 500pts each, special rules which for some delightful reason allowed for ordenance. Well, I was never a stipler for the rules!

Taking a healthy platoon of infantry, tons of flamers, a special squad sporting a demolition charge and a basalisk, I was set. Rory, supplamented this with Tactical squad, an Assualt squad and Smily himself!

First game saw us playing Dawn of War conditions with around 6 objectives. Our opponents were two very rulesy blokes with Space Marines and Khorne Chaos Marines. Suprisingly it was the bad luck that got us, the bad cover movement, the loss of the basalisk in the second turn, all further compounded by two very profesional tournament players (if not they should have been.). Bitter? Yeah, but we lost, so I get to be. :D

The second game saw us up against another odd match up. Tyranids and Space Marines. Very nicely painted, the two brothers were great fun to play against, especially as me and Rory were ready for them. Having been blooded in the last game, we used every tactic we could muster. Playing a simple Conquer and Control with a Pitched Battle, it was our objective and theirs. Between the Basalisk (Which never seemed to miss from this point onwards), and the suprisingly effective demo charge, the space marine thrust along the right flank was obliterated.

Though while one surviving assualt marine managed to destroy nearly twenty guardsmen by himself, he was finally brought low by flanking drill fire from the surviving two squads. Meanwhile, Rory supported the centre, and had his assualt nutters charge straight onto the left and contest their objective making it a neat light victory.

Finally, for the last match, we had the best match of all. Orks and Tyranids. Now to be fair, my force was designed to take down horde armies, as displayed in some of the picture. Between this fact and the fact that the Tyranid player had limited choices in his army (he had been asked to even the numbers last minute) it was a one sided battle. Being an Annihilation objective too, saw us rake up the points with clinical fire and flame templates.

Though, at the start, Rorys precious Assualt team of doom were reaped by the infiltrating Genestealers, on the right, the Imperial Guard scored up an impressive tally with flamers, las gun volleys and ordenance.

Although the Orks made it to one of the squads, with obvious results, the next turn saw massed rapid firing reduce them to paste. Go Guardsmen!

Overall, the day was highly enjoyable, and for many it was their first real tournament. Our first opponents walked away with first prize, though me and Rory somehoe managed to scrape away in second place and Best Painted! All in all a good day!

Ork Flash Gits, lovingly converted by Fredderik Torp of Outland Kirkegate and new bane of my life. 5+ cover saves from their leading Mek Boy, plus the 4+ Feel no pain save. We Hatz Em!

Electrition + Rhino = Rhino in Use lighting effects!

Some really enthusiastic gamers with their first armies. Unbelievable what a bit of mature patience can do. Wish I was mature. Or patient!

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