Historical figure Giant Warlord Miniatures declared a release date of its new WW2 Ruleset for its now generous 28mm figure range, Bolt Action. Alessio Cavatore heading the way, it looks to be in the same vain as what I am sadly used to in warhammer 40k, fantasy and historical. With the rulebook having apparently limited list for at least two powers, apparently each nation will be given a book listing all formations for different time periods. Interesting and very shiny looking. But will the Osprey funding demand the typically generic and non offensive mix of uncharacteristic and overly realistic lists and moral centric rules?
We must have faith. Or bitch like hell when they screw it up.
Now in possession of a respectable force of Germen heer, equipped for Early mid war and possible late war I got myself a Tiger 1.
I also recently finished a British contingent without much fuss, who also demanded something.
Limited by my local retailer, I got them a Cromwell type 4.
These were sprayed GW black as standard, before being liberally first coated with their respected P3 paints as recommended by Flames of War. They may be meant for 15 mm but I cannot fault the earthy tones. Especially when followed up with GW's now out of production Badab Black. Their newer Nuln Oil is great, a little too good as one man said. These were then relayered and inked until I was happy with the result. Its important to note that I do not highlight these guys. Pics of real tanks show that the paint gets grubby and tainted from the edges as well as corners, only large flat areas usually retain the original colour of paint.
Then I threw on some pigment and varnished. That didn't go as I wanted it, but I'm still learning about pigments. After attaching bases to make them as high as the troops, I took the opportunity to hide the mess under GWs fantastic Stirland Mud, a textured brown, and applied the base colours on top.
Award winning? Hardly. But now I have tanks to play around with the new rules coming up. Fair? Hell no. And I do have a whole platoon of Fallshcirmjager on the way too. Think its time for some back up for the Brits...
In other news, NECRONS! The bone spray is working a treat when treated with Agrax Earthshade. But what to do about the bases?...

Anyway, thanks for reading.